removeItem = qmenu.item("&Cancel Selections", EscClick, "|Cancel Selections:\n\n'Cancel Selections', or by pressing its HotKey, will unselect all objects that are currently selected, even frozen ones, and you are sent back to the 1st page, the treeview, if you are not already there.|")
parentItem = qmenu.item("Select &Parent", parentClick, "|Select Parent:\n\n The Parent is collapsed in the treeview unless '%s' is depressed.|"%collapse)
childItem = qmenu.item("Select &Child", childClick, "|Select Child:\n\nSelects first child.|")
nextItem = qmenu.item("Select &Next", nextClick, "|Select Next:\n\nThis selects the next item in the group.\n\nCycling - Depress '%s' to constrain your selection to the next item of the same type.|"%same)
prevItem = qmenu.item("Select Pre&vious", nextClick, "|Select Previous:\n\nSelects the previous item in the group.\n\nCycling - Depress '%s' to constrain your selection to the next item of the same type.|"%same)
nextItem.succ = getNext
prevItem.succ = getPrevious
freezetext = "|Freeze/Unfreeze Selection:\n\nIf the selection is 'frozen', then clicking in the map view will not change it unless the ALT key is depressed, which also freezes to the new selection.\n\nOther methods of changing the selection, such as the arrow keys in the treeview, will also freeze to the new selection, but clearing with ESC or choosing the menu 'Cancel Selections' function will unfreeze as well as clear it.|"